Monday, December 5, 2011

Wreath Making Workshop

Its once again that time of year and I'm making wreaths like mad to sell at my different holiday shows and customize them for clients.
This season was a bit different for I offered my first workshop as Hort And Pott on wreath making workshop on Sunday at The Kincaid Farm in Boonton Township, New Jersey.

Students learned all the basics on making a wreath from scratch. All the different tools, materials and styles where discussed including specific techniques and even bow making (I prefer non bowed wreaths everyone has there own style).

The class ran for three hours and each student completed two completely decorated wreath to take home or give away and all the skills they need to make more.  We offered snacks and punch and played vintage holiday music. I think next year a little wine and cheese will be in order.

The class was a complete success with a few students signing up already for next year. I will definitely be adding more to the schedule for 2012 as well as workshops planned in Brooklyn and other locations in New Jersey.

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